Jun 29, 2014

Trophy Factory

It was actually nothing interesting at all. We tricked Ariel (one of my lecturer, Wayne's wife who is also our adjunct  lecturer) the day before into telling us where he was bring us. But we still went because we were bribed by the pizza party afterwards. Which was actually what he owed us after pushing the stupid trophy project to us. 

I never mentioned about the trophy project before, have I? If I did, just ignore and look at those photos, or if you don't want you can just skip this post cause below is actually just similar photos of my classmates hahaha
Anyway at the start of the year, we were told to design a freaking trophy for a client and it was actually a competition. Initially, it was for anyone who wants to participate but (I think) there wasn't anyone so Wayne forced us to take up the challenge and said we all have to do it. But there wouldn't be a grade. But (I think also) everyone didn't give  damn about it so he said there's gonna be a grade for it WHEN THIS ISN'T EVEN IN OUR FREAKING MODULE. 

Anyway, the top 3 got awesome prizes from the client and proud to say that one my closer classmates got 2nd prize. YAY someone from my class is good at Product design yay, no change course! hahaha jk.

Then, after a few weeks, we were invited to go to the client's factory and look at how to produce the trophies. Which is so boring. When it ended, we went down using the huge lift and took class selfies, which explains the photos below.

After reaching school, we had pizza party which I never bothered to take photos of because I was too busy stuffing pizza in my face hahahahhaa

Then we stayed back to do AlanO's bloody 3D MAX again, which is due on the next day. We stayed in school until 11+pm the day before and I stayed up until 4+am cause typical me calculated the timezone wrongly and thought it's on Thursday dawn. That day after going home I did 3D max all the way to 4am and watched FIFA until 6 then did 3d Max a bit again then bathed and went to school. After that I rushed home cause I buey tahan and because it's finally term break already.


Just only say term break finally started, now I'm going to say term break just ended. Back to zombie life. Haih, sometimes I really hate being a design student. the work load is so ......



  1. hi can i ask if you have a paddle pop outfit or skirts etc. :D i think u'd look good
